Bageni group is found in Bukima and Gatovu areas of Virunga National Park in DRC and is led by Silverback Bageni. The group was formed in January 2013 after Bageni the Silverback split from his father’s group (Kabirizi group). Bageni moved away with 20 individuals including his mother Mapendo and brothers and formed his own group. Following an interaction with Wilungula group on October 7th, 2021, Bageni grabbed 4 adult females including Kasonya. This explains why the group increased vastly from 35 members to 42. Also having many reproductive females has helped the group’s population increase. Bageni is composed of 46 individuals including 3 Silverbacks, 13 Adult females,1 Blackback, 7 Sub-adult females, 1 Sub-adult male, 7 Juveniles, and 10 Infants.