Karisimbi group is found in Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda and is led by the dominant Silverback Nyagakangaga. This group was formed after the split of the main Susa group on June 28th 2009. On this day Nyagakangaga who was among several subordinate Silverbacks took 13 individuals and moved away to form his own group referred to as Susa B then. It was later named Karisimbi in 2010 at the gorilla naming ceremony – Kwita Izina. The group was named Karisimbi because; it ranges from within and around Karisimbi Mountain in Volcanoes National Park. Unfortunately, /fortunately another fraction broke away from Karisimbi on April 10th, 2012, to form Isimbi group. Today, Karisimbi group is composed of an unknown number since it has not been seen since October 2016. However, before it crossed to DRC on October 7th, 2016, the total number of group individuals was 10 including 6 Silverbacks, 1 Adult female, 1 Blackback, 1 Sub-adult female and 1 Juvenile.