Sabyinyo group is found in Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda and is led by dominant Silverback Gihishamwotsi after Guhonda. At its habituation the group was named Amavubi (wasps) due to their aggressive character which gave hard time to the habituation field teams. The name was later changed to Sabyinyo, after the mountain where the group was first seen. After the death of the Silverback Murithi of Group 13, Guhonda a lone Silverback took advantage of Murithi’s death and grabbed 3 females from Group 13 (Gukunda, Kampanga and Ijisho) and several others from Group 11. These are the individuals that Guhonda used to form his group with. Unfortunately, Gukunda and her infant left the group and have been out of daily monitoring since January 2020. Sabyinyo group currently consists of 15 individuals including 2 Silverbacks,3 Adult females, 3 Blackbacks,1 Sub adult male, 3 Juveniles and 3 Infants.