Park-Edge Cooperative Harvests Big from Greenhouse Advanced Agriculture

Blog | 23/10/23

Imbereheza cooperative in Burera park-edge district of Rwanda has registered a bumper harvest of their tomatoes grown in the green house. The project worth $ 6400 was funded by IGCP through its SIDA-Leading the Change project with an aim of mitigating climate change through controlling climate change effects like heavy rains and sunshine that usually affect crops. Imbereheza cooperative harvested over 1050kgs worth RWF 1,575000 ($ 1500). 

According to Imbereheza Cooperative members, greenhouse farming was cost effective, in a sense that it helped them utilize small space and did not require any fertilizers. “All we did was irrigate the tomatoes and remove weeds, “says Athanase Mukabizimungu, the Chairperson. “We had tried and failed at tomato farming three times because we lacked a greenhouse.” she adds.  Talking about the profits made, Mukabizimungu says they invested about RWF 300000 ($300) in buying seedling and have realized over RWF 1,575000 ($1500) from the sales. “The profits are unbelievable, we are excited and invested some of the money in an extra greenhouse to add to the ones IGCP donated to us, we also bought seedling for the new season,” she adds. Meanwhile, non-cooperative members also got tomatoes to eat from the cooperative members.

Commenting on the project, Benjamin Mugabukomeye, IGCP Country Coordinator for Rwanda says, “the project has a unique aspect of environmental conservation – it addresses climate change effects, Human Wildlife Conflict while boosting community livelihoods.” 

The International Gorilla Conservation Programme (IGCP) currently consists of Conservation International, Fauna & Flora International and the World Wide Fund for Nature. We recognise that the earth's survival is dependent on humanity's ability to maintain a healthy and balanced environment that includes all species of wildlife.