Facilitating Collaboration

Facilitating Collaboration

Facilitating Collaboration

Cooperation & Communication

We place particular emphasis on collaboration, especially regional collaboration at all levels, from the forest in the park to the governments in the three countries, providing a framework for more effective communication and sharing of resources.

We conduct and support a range of regional activities:

  • Ecological monitoring and surveillance
  • Joint meetings, tourism development
  • Joint ranger trainings, communication and sharing of experiences
  • Conservation action planning, community initiatives and management planning

Regional meetings have provided a vital communication link between the four parks and the three protected area authorities.

Rangers on patrol

Boots on the ground

We help organize joint patrols and training programs involving staff from two or more countries and have developed a ranger-based monitoring program to ensure effective management of the shared ecosystem.

We work with key decision makers such as government and administrative authorities to secure joint agreements, ensuring a seamless approach to conservation throughout the gorilla range states.

A Plan and a Pledge

Under IGCP’s facilitation, a 10-year transboundary strategic plan has been agreed to. The plan, which has subsequently been renewed by the Greater Virunga Transboundary Collaboration, allows park authorities of the three countries to work together in managing the diverse ecosystems that lie across the borders.

Under the IGCP’s certified Gorilla Friendly™ project, harmonization of tourism rules and regulations throughout the range states is paving the way for the establishment of a regional tourism program.